I am a big fan of author Gretchen Rubin and her podcast Happier which she does with her sister, Liz. Listening to their 2018 end-of-the-year recap episode inspired me to write a “19 for 2019” list as well as choose a word for the year—embrace. At the close of 2019, I had accomplished 7 of the 19 tasks on my list. Undeterred, I came up with a “20 for 2020” and the theme Just do it since many were tasks I’d been meaning to do for a while. Let’s see how I fared this year … and then I’ll share my “21 for 2021.”
1. Get a tattoo wedding ring
Chris and I were about to do this in March around our anniversary (3/7) aaaaaand then Covid. Next year!
2. Blog consistently
I did not blog consistently BUT I made progress with my new website design and titling my blog “By the Numbers.” I am going to count this one.
3. Make challah bread
I did this! And it was delicious. Next year I am going to try French bread!
4. Plant flowers
Yes! And a garden!
5. Finish Bible reading plan
Tomorrow I will read the second half of Revelation and will complete the chronological reading plan that I started in January of 2019. I loved it and am planning to do it again this year (this time I’ll actually read it all in one year).
6. Get jeans altered
This was not relevant because I gained weight. Alas.
7. Stain wood letters for the kitchen wall
I painted them and I think they look great!
8. Scrapbook every week
I didn’t scrapbook every week, but I am happy with the progress I made. I even finished the book of our summer 2018 vacation to Florida! Counting this one.
9. Finish The Four Tendencies course
Sadly, I did not.
10. Start a podcast about healthy living
No, and I am shelving the idea for now.
11. Get a t-shirt quilt made
I got this done! It’s really cool, enough so that it will get its own blog post!
12. Get decor for the living room wall
This isn’t completed yet, but I have a plan. Half point.
13. Use the new steam cleaner
I did, I used it to clean our shower. Yay!
14. Finish Your Uncluttered Home course
Nope. But I did accomplish a significant amount of decluttering.
15. Keep track of prayer requests
Not consistently. I wrote some down in my journal and then I downloaded an app to track on my phone, but neither became habitual.
16. Memorize Scripture monthly
I did one in January but sadly didn’t keep it up every month. I would need some really serious accountability to memorize at this point in my life.
17. Read non-fiction 20 minutes each day
I did not follow this literally, but I did read more non-fiction this year than I ever have. And I bought a lot more than I read, so that puts me in a good place to read even more in 2021.
18. Quit chewing my cuticles
As of December 12th, I have not picked or chewed my cuticles. They look and feel amazing! I have been very intentional about giving myself manicures weekly and applying lotion frequently throughout the day. I’m really, really excited that I have finally quit this bad habit!!
19. Organize photos and back up to the cloud
Define “organize.” Define “cloud” for that matter …
20. Fuel my body well and exercise regularly
I gained the Covid-19 -sigh- but I completed 118 hours of Camp Gladiator and am stronger than I’ve ever been. Half point?
Well, I got 11 out of 20. I’m actually pretty happy with that.
Okay, here’s the list for 2021:
1. Build editing & proofreading business
2. Write at least 40 blogs
3. Make French bread
4. Read the one-year chronological Bible
5. Complete another January whole30
6. Lose the Covid weight
7. Complete the application for Ellie’s passport
8. Design and cut vinyl for living room wall
9. Make family taco t-shirts
10. Read at least 12 non-fiction books
11. Clear piles off the floor in my office
12. Create shadow boxes to honor Roxy & Rigsby
13. Organize digital photos
14. Use the TouchNote app to send cards
15. Work up to at least 5 “real” push-ups
16. Get Canon lens fixed
17. Set and follow social media boundaries
18. Volunteer/serve
19. Reschedule trip that Covid canceled
20. Plant spring veggies and herbs
21. Get a tattoo wedding ring
22. Frogs! 😛